Monday, 1 June 2015

Chinese delicacies - not for the faint hearted

Wanfujing (王府井) is a famous tourist trap in Beijing - a street full of overpriced street-food vendors. There's something about it though that made us keep going back for more almost every time we visited Beijing. Perhaps we just didn't know any better.

Because I was always too busy eating, and because I've never been the kind of guy who takes photos of absolutely everything I eat (it detracts from the eating experience), I haven't really documented the food at WFJ (or anywhere else in China for that matter). I can tell you in hindsight, some 7 years later, that I don't remember any of it, so it must have been pretty average!

I did take a couple of snaps on one occasion though, when I was too pussy to try any of it so I was just watching Adam going for it. The photos say it all really:

Adam (pictured above) is still alive. Just.

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